Guide: Outgoing Employee Checklist


  • How do I close or remove an employee account?
  • As an employee, what do I need to do before I leave OSU?


  • Oregon State University
  • Employee Account
  • Exchange Email


When an employee leaves their position, the account is off-boarded through a combination of automatic and manual processes. The following steps occur automatically once the employee has no current job records and is marked as "terminated" in Banner:

  • Zoom access is revoked.
  • Box access is revoked.
  • Office 365 access is revoked.
  • Email access is revoked. See: How Long Can I Keep My Email After I Leave OSU?
  • The ONID account is marked for deactivation and warning notices are sent to the account. For details on the ONID account life cycle, see: ONID - Account Eligibility and Duration
  • Once the ONID account is deleted, email and files associated with the account are permanently removed.

The following steps are handled manually by the IT group supporting the outgoing employee's department. Note that departments need to notify their IT team to remove employee access:

  • Upon request, the IT department will remove permissions and group memberships in Active Directory.
  • Upon request, the IT department may set an auto-reply or internal forward on the Exchange mailbox.

Removal of access to other systems must be requested separately, for example:

  • Requests to remove Banner access should be submitted to the Banner access team.
  • Access to cloud resources - such as a team in Teams, a SharePoint Online site, Box folders, and Qualtrics surveys - must be removed by the person who manages those objects.

If an employee transfers to another position on campus, they will keep their Exchange mailbox and their first.last email address. It is recommended that departments use a shared departmental email address for business continuity reasons.


Contact IT Team to Remove Access

Your IT team can take care of removing some, but not all, access to systems and services.

IT Offboarding Checklist for Employees

  • Outgoing Employee:
    • Meet with supervisor to transfer department-related files, or reassign ownership of files in cloud storage (OneDrive, Box, Google Drive). Note: this needs to be done for shared documents, too, as the documents will be deleted automatically when the account that owns them is removed.
    • Return OSU-owned computer equipment.
    • Keep your Duo security key, if applicable. This may still be needed later to access tax documents.
    • Set an email auto-reply message. (Note that external forwarding is not allowed.)
    • Retrieve any personal items from email or file storage; access will not be allowed after employment ends.
    • Remove any OSU-licensed software installed on personal devices.
  • Supervisor of Outgoing Employee:
    • Reassign files: Meet with outgoing employee to transfer department-related files and emails, or reassign ownership of files in cloud storage (OneDrive, Box, Google Drive). 
      • Any cloud files owned by the outgoing employee will be deleted when their account is removed.
    • Remove resource mailbox and share drive permissions: Submit a request to remove account permissions:
    • Teams and Sharepoint: remove the outgoing employee from your department's Teams and SharePoint sites.
    • Exchange Online Lists: if you manage your own distribution lists, remove the outgoing employee from these lists.
    • Calendar sharing: If you shared your calendar with the outgoing employee, you will want to remove them: Exchange Online - Remove a Delegate
    • Qualtrics projects: Request Transfer of Qualtrics Surveys, if applicable.
    • Phone: To request phone changes please contact Telecom using this form: Telecom - Voice - Programming Change
    • Computer refresh: To request to have a computer refreshed for another user, contact the Service Desk or your IT team.
    • Zoom meetings: If you need to reassign a Zoom meeting, follow these steps: Transfer Scheduled Meeting Between Users


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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