Guide: Change Name or Email Address


  • How do I change my name in OSU's systems?
  • How do I change my email address at OSU?


  • Oregon State University
  • Employee, Student


This article covers topics related to changing a name, username, or email address. For information about other directory changes, see: How to Change Your Online Directory Entry

Your name in most OSU IT systems is based on your name in our system of record, Banner. It is usually your legal name, and may or may not include your middle name. The information in this article applies to at least the following systems: 

  • Canvas
  • Microsoft environment, including Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive
  • Google Suite
  • Zoom
  • Box




Your name in most OSU IT systems is based on your name in our system of record, Banner. It is usually your legal name, and may or may not include your middle name.

Employees are usually issued an Exchange mailbox with two email addresses:

  • The email address is based on the username and cannot be changed unless the username is changed.
    • Usernames are typically only changed if there is a legal name change, and must be requested by the employee.
  • The email address is added to the Exchange mailbox by the employee's IT team and can be set to anything the employee requests (so long as it is not offensive).
    • Additional First.Last addresses can also be added if needed, i.e. in the case of a name change. Ask your IT team.


Your name in most OSU IT systems is based on your name in our system of record, Banner. It is usually your legal name, and may or may not include your middle name.

  • Legal Name Change: If you have completed a legal name change, please notify the Registrar.
  • Name-in-Use Change: 
  • Middle Names:
    • If you have a middle name listed in Banner, it will be listed in OSU IT systems.
    • You can change how your middle name appears on your ONID account, which also impacts how your name appears in the OSU Online Directory, OSU Email, G Suite, Office 365, Zoom and Box. 
    • You can choose to display your full middle name, only the initial, no middle name, or your middle name instead of your first name. For steps, see: ONID - Change How My Name Appears
    • Note that changes to the ONID name format do not change how your name appears in Banner or other systems that receive data directly from Banner.
  • Other systems: for some systems, you may need to update your name manually even if you have done a legal name change or name-in-use change.

Undergraduate students are issued an Exchange mailbox with one email address:

  • The email address is based on the username and cannot be changed unless the username is changed.
    • Usernames are typically only changed if there is a legal name change or preferred name change, and must be requested by the student.
  • Students are not eligible for a email address except in the case of some grad students who are also employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Can I go by my middle name instead of my first name?
    A: Yes, you can update your ONID profile to display your middle name instead of your first name. This will update most systems, but not all.
  2. Q: I am an employee and have a professional name that is different from my legal name. Can I use my professional name at OSU?
    A: Yes. As an employee, you should request a preferred name from HR. Then ask your IT team to update your email address to match, if desired.
  3. Q: I am an employee and I want my nickname displayed in the directory instead of my full name. Can I use my nickname at OSU?
    A: Yes. As an employee, you should request a preferred name from HR. Then ask your IT team to update your email address to match, if desired.
  4. Q: I am a student and need to use a different name at OSU, but can't do a legal name change at this time. Can I change my name at OSU?
    A: Yes. As a student, you should request a name-in-use change from the Registrar. After your name-in-use has been changed, you can also request a username change, which will update your email address as well.
  5. Q: I am an employee who recently changed my last name. Can I have a new email address and keep my old address, too?
    A: Yes. Employees can have more than one email address.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 112403
Wed 7/22/20 10:59 AM
Wed 8/21/24 11:55 AM

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